The Subversive Body -live performance- (2017)

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The Subversive Body uses images of revolutionary and guerrilla movements during the last dictatorship in Argentina between 1976 and 1984, culled from an Argentinian archive. Zito Lema has re-photographed these images, focusing primarily on the bodily gestures. Close-up and abstracted, the images become condensed traces of physical resistance against political horror. The imagery is printed in black and white on large paper and shaped and stiffened into a new corpus. Once paper has taken a certain form the fibre remembers this information, resulting in a sculpture that has a ‘double memory’: it recalls a shape as well as a historical event.

First conceived and exhibited as installation, this performative version of the work was commisioned for IDIORRITMIAS, at MACBA Museum, Barcelona, curated by Pablo Martinez and Soledad Gutiérrez.

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Aime%e2%95%a0u%cc%88e%20zito%20lema subversive%20body idiorritmias 01 fot%20dani%20canto
2017 05 07 photo 00000010

All image documentation of the performance: courtessy of MACBA Barcelona / Photos: Dani Canto